Our Events
Welcome to our Event Gallery! If you have photos you would like to share with us, please email RequiemsEventsofTexas@GuildsofRequiem.com Be sure to tell us who to credit the photos to and if you have a business website you would like us to link them to. We also welcome feedback and reviews of our events at the same email address.
Homesteaders and Preppers Bazaar
After taking a hiatus during the pandemic, the Homesteaders and Preppers Bazaar is making a permanent return to the Requiem's Events of Texas and Guilds of Requiem, Inc. line-up. If you have any photos from the Spring 2023 event, please send them to HomesteadersAndPreppersGuild@GuildsofRequiem.com
Pirate Puppy Party
We are excited to a have more focused event than in year's past as this event has officially gone to the dogs!
We encourage well-behaved pets, and their people, to dress up as pirates for a fun filled day of vendors, food, activities, and FUNdraising for one of our projects, Service and Work Dog Handlers Guild, and other area rescues. If you know of anyone who makes and sells pet related items, send them our way at RequiemsEventsofTexas@GuildsofRequiem.com