One of the core philosophies is the sharing of knowledge. In 2018, we formed the Homesteaders & Preppers Guild as a means of creating a community of people looking to increase their knowledge in skills that are needed by Homesteaders and sought after by Preppers. We started out with a Facebook Group that is now called Requiem's Home, Hearth, and Heart. Fall 2018 we had our first event that focused on these topics and held a Fall Homesteaders and Preppers Bazaar where attendees were privy to a chicken necropsy and anatomy lesson along with humane way to dispatch chickens and cooking them over a campfire. Spring 2019 Bazaar had discussions on methods for growing your own food and how to create your own seed bank.
As we have this event twice a year, we are always on the lookout for target market vendors, demonstrators, and activities. If you would like to vend at this event, follow this link to our google application. If you would like to be a skill demonstrator or provide other related activities, please email RequiemsEventsofTexas@GuildsofRequiem.com

What do we have in store for this event?
Seed Swap
Vendors Applications are OPEN for the 2025 season!
Vending starts at $50 for a 12' x 12' space (no electricity)
Vendors need to bring their own:
Canopy/Tent with weights! Our breezes off the highway are frequently very gusty where staking down your canopy is not enough!
Be sure you have enough small bills in your till as we do not have the ability to "make change".

We are always in need of those presenting information that is relevant to the homesteading and preppers community with a variety of proficiency levels in both topics. Topics we have had in the past: brushcraft skills, create a medic kit, wound identification, medicinal foraging, basics of gardening, and the ever popular chicken care and processing.
Volunteers are needed during all phases an event. From promoting the event, assist with coordinating specific specialty areas, runners at events, and event venue clean-up afterwards. We do take care of our volunteers are well feed, whether it is cold cut sandwiches to $20 voucher redeemable at participating food vendors. Volunteers can also barter their way to a free 12' x 12' vending space!

Returning to our spring event is the seed swap! The premise is simple:
* Have Seeds?
* Bring Seeds!
* Need Seeds?
* Take Seeds! (remember to send us photos of your garden!
Seed donations are always welcome addition! Any left-over seeds are donated to the Bandera Boys and Girls Club Garden

* You do not need to be present to win! *
Drawing will be held at 5 PM
Items we have had in the past:
Auto turning egg incubator
Pre-Made Bug Out Bag
72 Hour Food Supply
Portable Solar Power Pack
Small Medic Bags
Gift Card to AnthonyGoods.com
Camping Cook Ware
Camping Dinner Ware with utensils
Portable Rocket Stove
Water Purification Kit by Life Straw
Ruck Sack with Support Frame
Gift Certificate to Nuts.com
2025 Wish List of Raffle Items:
Large Bug-Out-Bag with frame
2 Person Sleep Tent
72 Hour Food Supply
Portable Solar Power Pack
Small Medic Kits
3 Day Survival Bag
Seed Vault
Gift Certificates/Cards
Camping Dinner Ware with utensils
Homesteader/Prepper Books
Water Purification Kit by Life Straw
Garden Tool Set
Chicken Starter Kit
Animal Medic Kit
We aim to have all items be no less than $15.
$15 - $50 will be a $1 raffle purchased at the "door".
Items $50 and over will have tickets go on sale January 1st.
If you would like to sell raffle tickets at your business please reach out Requiem's Events of Texas.

We are seeing a lot of comments on our social media pages where someone who is not a part of our staff has stated "contact me to apply" "limited space left. PM me" where they then entice you to make a Facebook or CashApp transaction with them. Please do not fall for their scam. We will only comment back with our Google Docs URL or direct you to our website to apply.